Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After Christmas... probably the day I really look forward to from the moment I start preparing for the arrival of the Big Man in Red. I am soo never ready for this holiday, regardless of early I start shopping, planning, or hiding. This is just ridiculous! I have no idea why we do it to ourselves; it seems to be similar to planning for a wedding or similar big event.
The pressure of fixing up the home. The stress of buying the right gift for everyone. And the work that goes into it all is just overwhelming. Some people thrive for this! (I think these are the ones who have arrived) Like they have the reindeer sweaters, the trees are up and lit by December 1st, the gifts were purchased before Black Friday and now its all about focusing on the menu they are going to bake and chef up for the entire family, and most friends. While I am still, on December 26th, looking for any holiday events to visit, they are already planning for the following year.
Yet, I still had a wonderful holiday! Family gathered, and good times enjoyed; my Christmas next year will just have to wait until I am over and done with celebrating this year! I am "just not there yet"! I savor my 26th's the way some cherish the actual day. I look forward to being lazy, watching my kids enjoy their gifts, and having fun enjoying mine; his year takes the cake as I play endlessly on my new Kindle Fire
courtesy of my very own "Mr. Claus".
It was a lovely day over here in "unsure land" hope it was just as wonderful over where you're at!

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